Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Citizen Governor, have a chocolate

While poor Bjorn Lomborg was pushed out into the Indian Ocean in an orange lifeboat, not everyone hates refugees. 

Petro Poroshenko not only gave lonely exile Mikhael Saakashvili asylum, he threw in a box of chocolates, Ukrainian citizenship, and made him governor of Odessa

Pro-Ukrainian citizens are thin on the ground in Odessa as fresh-faced fascists from the Kyiv post report. They require the encouragement of the strong

In the absence of suitable citizens PM Arseniy Yatsenyuk knows he'll have to manufacture or import some. 

Would Australia export live animal Scott Morrison to be the new governor of Odessa? Morrison was too busy sneering at people (for operational reasons) to consider the role.

John McCain knows all manner of political corpses. There's a filing cabnet full of the undead at Foggy Bottom. He had a suggestion. Saakashvili. our former zombie on the spot in Tbilisi, is now surplus to requirementshad to make a quick exit, try him.

His record on human rights is questionable, that should be perfect

He knows what will happen should he fail

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