Sunday, May 14, 2017

Erotic Selfie from George

Do pets grow to look like their masters?  If billionaire opera diva Gina Rinehart put on George Christensen's brown safari suit would anyone know?  

It's a tad impertinent to declare his love on the cover of Good Weekend, showing off his whip ... but what a heart beats beneath that pock-marked redneck exterior!

$2 a day
is all I will pay
Do as I say
obey -  or I fire!

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Rubber Chicken - the Boneless Head of Peter Dutton

Hubble Bubble
Vibble Vobble
Pulsating and deboned 
Peter Dutton dreams of the throne 

Thought bubbles
Lock up children
Human flesh
A barbeque on Parliament steps