Was Tony Abbott at Gina Rinehart's Christmas party ???
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Thursday, November 28, 2013
This is not an arsehole
Tweeting Joseph Goebbels wannabe Mark Textor
I can smell my people at work.
I'll have no truck with Filipino porn stars
Plenty of Sri Lankan snuff movies are available
Rajapaksa does not direct snuff films(but he could if he wanted to)
Diplomacy isn't for twits - what did I say?
The boss: the militant abbott of a brothel
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Introducing the Theremin - James Clapper and No Such Agency hack Dick Cheney's heart
Here's news - Dick Cheney has a heart - with the wireless disabled.
because you never know might happen when some punk on a base somewhere gets hold of the controls
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Vintage Republican
Interactive Mounted Be-Responsible Colostomy Bags
Imagine one of these suckers on your dashboard(guaranteed not to leak!). They can't take out the garbage or anything, but they speak. They have a personality.
Monday, October 7, 2013
Diplomatic incident not cricket
PM Hairshirt Harry (you may know him as Tony Abbott) went to Jakarta to win SBY's compliance with his winning personality and the bond they share as authors.
But it didn't work out.
Julie Bishop (next in charge in an army of clerics).
Where's our electoral honeymoon ?
Scott Morrison has no idea. He's in a bunker in Cronulla somewhere, defending the Shire. The Daily Telegraph will save us!
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Weapons of the decadent West
Sergei Lavrov: What hideous new offense against humanity is this?
Tony Abbott: In the right place sheilas are a bit of alright
Jamie Dimon - the infinite pain of a banker
Harvard Political Economy 101
A Wall St whale is too big to fail and too rich to jail
And so misunderstood - people cast aspersions causing them infinite pain
Friday, September 27, 2013
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Hail PM Wingnut, the loverat
Tony Abbott takes special interest in women's issues, starting with his deputy, Julie Bishop. Who else has a girlfriend with laser eyes?
And who could forget him serenading Julia Gillard
The loverat has Cory Bernardi very worried
Sunday, September 15, 2013
G20 jokers with Robama
The drones on Syria - When we're done with all this we should write a book on the conduct of foreign policy
Drones: Barack Obama, David Cameron and some Swedish model
Kerry of the Undead, wearing the State Department's garland of skulls, releases the tomahawk of wisdom
Don't you defy me Robama
Meanwhile Putin announces that Russia has hacked and landed an advanced American drone in St Petersburg
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Friday, July 26, 2013
Sunday, July 21, 2013
I need a cigarette
Lynton Crosby, Johnny Howard's old campaign director from baby overboard days is now Lord Dodgy Dave Cameron's chief electoral strategist, as well as representing Philip Morris and some fracking concerns.
Of course, he's not a lobbyist(Bwahahaha)
Monday, July 15, 2013
Markets R unreal, OK. Tyrannosaurus Rabbit speaks
The wisdom of right-wing politics, as explained by the his worship, Tony Abbott

CO2 is invisible and a market in it is unreal. Think about it!
On the other hand, most Australians prefer to be punched in the head by me. We have research, and that's the only research that matters.
While we're here: Ladies, do your bit for Australia and make love to an abbott, with the blessing of a bishop. Your little Australian will be an ornament for George Pell.
Now that's a market in real people, sold by someone to someone else. Nothing evilly abstract about it
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
They call him the KRudd
MC Kevin Rudd
and his band of
ALP Stooges
DJ A-Albanese - loops, sequences and beatings
Joel FitzGibbon is bass
Bill Shorten plays cutthroat rhythms
Penny Wong keys
Jenny Macklin vocal harmonies
and Bob Katter on guest triangle
and his band of
ALP Stooges
DJ A-Albanese - loops, sequences and beatings
Joel FitzGibbon is bass
Bill Shorten plays cutthroat rhythms
Penny Wong keys
Jenny Macklin vocal harmonies
and Bob Katter on guest triangle
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Murdoch on Blair
Doddery divorcee Rupert Murdoch fulminates at the country club.
Next wife: the daughter of the guy who makes exercise equipment for the undead
My Favourite Murderer : Obama in Africa
More drones, more reruns of the kill-list on TV
Mandela lies on his deathbed, and the Jackal circles, seeking his mantle. The rhetorical emoting of Barry O'Bomber
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Fat fingers of evil, or Playing with Americans
Hey, Ed Snowden, come over here Ed Snowden
General von Clapper of the Gestapo says this has doen immeasurable damage to US intelligence
"But it's just a littke thing"
Vlad Putin loves playing with Americans, what else would he do with that KGB training? Wrestle tigers and girls all day?, pah!
Dr Evil Fatfinger of the NSA. Think evil and copy everything
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Neoliberal hands of bane, Turkish style
We will be at the necks of the provocateurs and terrorists,
and noone will get away with it.
At the Istanbul tear gas festival (on a global tour)
Friday, June 21, 2013
Saturday, June 1, 2013
The Naked Truth, slightly garbled
Barnaby Joyce isn't fiddling around in fallen angel Gina Rinehart's back pocket.
So says the Supreme Council of Virtual Space (Qld division)
The Iranian Supreme Council won't like this, revolutionary bare breasts storming Heidi Klum's kitsch beauty contest
Like Tony Windsor says, "breastfeed revolution, even in Tamworth"
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Tom Waterhouse
A thoroughbred. With bloodlines like his what else could we expect?
An empty-eyed Modigliani with a hairy neck?
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